What Is Canna Honey? Effective? Yummy? How’s It Done?

Are you ready to find out about canna honey? OK, First we are going to BIG UP the benefits of honey and from there we will spice things even further by discussing canna honey, how effective it is, and then describe how you can make your very own. Once that is achieved you may never look at those favorite munchies in the same way again!

Honey is no new kid on the Health Block

Human use of honey can be traced back some 8000 years through stone age paintings. Moving forward from there it was mentioned in 2100 B.C. by Sumerian and Babylonian scholars in the world’s first written scriptures. From then to the current day regular mention of honey’s health and healing powers are regularly cataloged.

It was the first and most widespread sweetener ever used by man but offers many other health benefits. Honey is a sweet fluid made by honeybees. They use the nectar of flowering plants to produce it and today there are estimated to be around 320 different varieties. These vary in color, odor, and flavor.

Containing mostly sugar, it also has a mix of amino acids, minerals, vitamins, iron, zinc, and antioxidants. Among other health benefits, it works as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial agent.

It is felt to be more beneficial in treating coughs than OTC medicines while medical-grade honey can be used topically to treat burns, and it is used to promote wound healing.

What is Canna Honey?

This is cannabis-infused honey and consists of the most sought-after marijuana components which are then infused into honey’s healthy sweetness. When you combine marijuana and honey and cook it slowly over a low heat you are creating a powerful, very pleasant combination.

That is because the best parts of your cannabis sativa plant – the cannabinoids and terpenes separate from the plant material and stay in the honey. Once the process is complete you can store the resulting canna honey for weeks on end and dip into it whenever you wish. This can be done by adding it to edibles or by using it in your favorite tea, coffee, or other drinks.

Canna Honey – A Healthy & Enjoyable Combo

Infusions are certainly not new, various mixtures have been used for thousands of years and honey has played a big part in this. As mentioned, the fact that the honey portion is packed with antioxidants means that it can help with such conditions as high blood pressure and diabetes. It can also help any skin wounds to heal faster.

You can then add into the mix the range of medicinal benefits that cannabis offers. This is due to its naturally-occurring chemical compounds. The terpenes provide taste and aroma while other properties are understood to help combat such things as inflammation, fungal infections, and other ailments.

As for the cannabinoids such as CBD (cannabidiol), this has been found to contain a host of healing properties. Think of such things as pain relief and the fact it can act as an anticonvulsant. While still in the early stages of research studies are also suggesting canna honey could even help to combat particular types of cancer.

From the above, it is clear that the combination of honey with cannabis is a great way to reap health benefits in a powerful, nutritional way.

Making Cannabis-Infused Honey

The canna honey recipe is very easy. This makes it great for first-time cannabis cooks as well as the more experienced ones. There is just one very important step that needs to be carried out and that is the decarbing cannabis process.

This important process will be explained below but failure to decarb your cannabis correctly will mean the cannabis you use for your canna honey will not be psychoactive and therefore it will not get you high.

Why you need to decarb your cannabis before cooking with it

Here’s a brief explanation of why the decarbing process must be carried out for any recipe you intend to use cannabis with, especially with canna honey. Decarbing must be carried out if you are to receive the high associated with the THC content of cannabis.

Weed that has not been decarbed only has the precursor to THC (the cannabinoid THCA) present. THCA is not psychoactive. It only becomes active once you heat it. Hence the reason you get high when putting a light to cannabis in a spliff or bong. By lighting your weed you are instantly decarbing it and then inhaling it.

When it comes to cooking with cannabis you need to first bring out the THC content before infusing it into your recipe. As will be seen below, the decarbing process is easily carried out by heating your weed at low temperatures over a prolonged period.

Doing so converts the THCA into THC and when your decarbed cannabis is included in your recipe it will help you reach the high you are searching for.

Canna Honey Recipe – Sufficiently Sweet & Soothing!

There are a variety of different ways to make canna honey. This method is quite straightforward.

You will need:

Kitchen materials:

  • Non-stick oven tray.
  • Parchment paper or Baking sheet.
  • Double boiler pan.
  • Strainer – This can be a metal/plastic sieve or cheesecloth will work.
  • Airtight jar.


  • 1 cup of honey: The amount of honey used will depend on what quantity of canna honey you want to produce. The more honey used, the more cannabis you should include.
  • Decarboxylated cannabis: Use 0.24 oz (7 grams) of decarboxylated cannabis. Adjust the amount of cannabis depending on your preferred potency – You should not grind these buds too finely.

Your cannabis-infused honey needs to be strained and you do not want small pieces slipping through the sieve to enter your finished product.

The best approach is to break the buds into smaller pieces but keep them large enough to prevent them from slipping through the strainer mesh.

Cooking instructions:

First you need to decarboxylate (decarb) the cannabis. Preheat your oven to 220-245 Deg F (105-120 C). Cover your baking tray with parchment paper and evenly spread your dried cannabis buds on it.

Bake for between 30-45 minutes. Every 10 minutes check the buds and gently mix them to allow all surfaces to be exposed to the heat. When checking the cannabis buds make sure they are not being scorched.

Tip: If you like the smell of roasting cannabis around the house leave your windows closed. If not, open a kitchen window!

Once the decarb process is complete, place your honey and decarbed cannabis into the double boiler. Simmer the mixture on low heat for a minimum of 40 minutes. The longer you allow it to simmer, the stronger it will be.

For example, if you have a slow cooker and use that instead of the double boiler, canna honey recipes out there advise this should be slow cooked for 8 hours.

Take the pan off the heat and allow the mixture to completely cool.

Now it is time to strain the honey mixture. Place your strainer or cheesecloth over the top of your storage jar. Run the mixture through it and allow it to drain completely.

You can now store the honey for up to 2 months (after trying it of course!). When storing, place the jar in a cool dark place.

Dosing Cannabis Infusions – It is Never an Exact Science!

Regardless of what recipes you use your decarbed cannabis in, dosing caution is required. This is because there are many factors to bear in mind and it is certainly not an exact science.

Things that will affect how a certain dosage affects you are the strength of the weed you are using and how long it is cooked for.

With those factors in mind, it makes sense to test potency by taking the “start low and go slow” method. What that means is you should try just a small amount first, give it an hour to see how you feel, and if more is required, go for another small amount.

If you have enjoyed this tasty canna honey piece and want to check out other informative articles on a wide range of weed topics, please click here.